Wednesday, August 25, 2010

some old guy with just one eye selling his obviously soiled shorts

haha I love this song so much. Reminds me of walking around in the farmer's market with my dad early mornings on Saturday; except much cleaner and not at all like the song.

New glasses, new clothes, new dorm, gonna meet new friends and travel to new places, not just Cortland :\ buying a new computer or fixing one or something. I need a netbook and a new gaymin rig. Even sicker than that would be some kind of pouch or bag for carrying my netbook and maybe a sketchbook or phone or something. Like this:

Freakin sweet, move your feet is all I've got to say about that. So I've got a bunch of stuff planned here soon, should be a lot more entries coming up here. Maybe about all types of things. Definitely about travel and adventures, at least