Wednesday, August 25, 2010

some old guy with just one eye selling his obviously soiled shorts

haha I love this song so much. Reminds me of walking around in the farmer's market with my dad early mornings on Saturday; except much cleaner and not at all like the song.

New glasses, new clothes, new dorm, gonna meet new friends and travel to new places, not just Cortland :\ buying a new computer or fixing one or something. I need a netbook and a new gaymin rig. Even sicker than that would be some kind of pouch or bag for carrying my netbook and maybe a sketchbook or phone or something. Like this:

Freakin sweet, move your feet is all I've got to say about that. So I've got a bunch of stuff planned here soon, should be a lot more entries coming up here. Maybe about all types of things. Definitely about travel and adventures, at least

Monday, July 12, 2010

the internet

The penultimate frontier. Full of some of the most amazing, mind blowingly incredible characters you will ever see.

Those adjectives (sans incredible) also describe some other people you could meet online.  

Really stupendous people can sometimes be great to check out online but if you know anything about me you'd know I would rather focus on the horrible, earth shattering failures that abound through our current media.  THAT'S RIGHT I'M TALKING ABOUT YOUTUBE D:

 First up is this video right here. I don't know how to describe this, but it really proves that adding religion to conspiracy theories isn't a very good idea.

This next video skirts the line between badass and superfail (one word, that's right) I don't know the 'whole story' behind why this guy was so detatched from his work, I guess it's just part of his genius.

There has always been a group of people that have gotten under my skin more than any other on youtube and across the internet. Those people would be kids. People like

etc, etc, etc

Well, that's all there is for now I suppose. I'm going to have to sit in some IRC channels and get in touch with my inner Doctor Cox.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Finally some new stuff

So... I haven't posted in a LONG long time, and I'm sorry. Even though no one reads this. Anyway, I guess I sort of strayed away from blogging and was pulled back into the *chans one more time. I swear, nothing is more addicting than arguing with someone about the validity of their zombie survival plan at three o'clock in the morning while wondering if you should go get a twinkie and a soda or not and just sit there F5-ing like mad. All the while listening to some throat singing.

The internet really is a fantastic place. It's like a giant Salvation Army with sites that "are still good, just a little old right?" Enough of that hot mess, I'm going on an extended bike ride through the cemetery tomorrow for no particular reason and I think I'm actually going to start posting on here daily, if not weekly. I need to talk to someone, even if it does end up being myself.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Okay, starting my photography/general art blog. I've got a lot to talk about. Starting major photojournalism this Fall. Our city hosts a lot of art events and things to just spend time with family in the city. I'm putting my work up in a gallery this month. I'll be putting my photos up, some sketches also. Starting work with a film crew, I'll have updates on our new movies on here, possibly some clips and behind the scenes stuff. for more info, watch my account at